Bylaws of Salem Community Baptist Church
Adopted October 7th, 2020
Adopted October 7th, 2020
For the purpose of preserving and making secure the principles of our faith, and to the end that this body be governed in an orderly manner, consistent with the accepted tenets of the Baptist Churches affiliated with the Baptist State Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention, and for the purpose of preserving the liberties inherent in each individual member of the church, and to set forth the relation of this body to other bodies of the same faith, we do declare and establish this constitution. These Bylaws will be reviewed as requested.
Article I: Name
This body shall be known as Salem Community Baptist Church, Inc. of 4502 Swift Creek School Road, Nash County, North Carolina 27891. The Articles of Incorporation of Salem Community Baptist Church, Inc. were filed with the NC Department of the Secretary of State on the 25th day of January 2008 (as may be amended from time to time, the “Articles of Incorporation”).
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of this body shall be as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation. In furtherance of the foregoing, this body shall be to provide regular opportunities for public worship, to sustain the ordinances, doctrines and ethics set forth in the New Testament for the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ; to nurture its members through a program of Christian education; to channel its offerings to the support of the objects of the Redeemer’s Kingdom, and to preach and propagate among all people the gospel of the Revelation of God through Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Article III: Membership
All changes in the church roll, whether additions or removals, will be executed at a regular business meeting and will be recorded as part of the church minutes. Deceased members will be remembered with silent meditation and their death date shall be recorded in the minutes.
Section 1: Qualifications
Section 2: Membership Transfer
All requests for termination of membership or action looking thereto shall be stated so that it can be recorded in the minutes during a regularly scheduled business meeting.
Section 3: Inactive Members
Members of Salem Community Baptist Church are considered inactive if they have not participated in the mission and ministry of the church in the past six months. Inactive members have not been disciplined by the church and remain in fellowship; however, inactive members are not afforded a vote in any church matters.
The process for declaring a member to be inactive is as follows:
Article IV: Meetings
Section 1: Worship
Section 2: Business
Article V -- Church Officers; Deacons
Section I: Officers
The officers of this church shall be: a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Clerk (aka a Secretary), a Treasurer, and such other offices, officers, and agents created or appointed by the Deacons from time to time. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Deacons are hereby authorized to create the following offices and appoint individuals to serve therein: Sunday School Director, WMU Director, Music Director. All officers of the church and its organizations, unless otherwise specified by the Deacons, shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee.
Section 2: Election, Duties and Pastor Compensation
1. Pastor
The pastor has in his charge the welfare and oversight of the church; of all organizations, departments and committees; he may call a special meeting of the Deacons or any committee according to the procedures which may be set forth in the Bylaws; he shall conduct religious services on stated and special occasions, administer the ordinances, minister to members of the church and community, and perform other duties that usually pertain to that office; he shall have special charge of the pulpit ministry of the church and shall, in cooperation with the Deacons, provide for pulpit supply when he is absent and arrange for workers to assist in revival meetings and other special services.
An evaluation of the Pastor shall be conducted by the church membership after the first six (6) months and thereafter every year during the third quarter of the church year. The evaluation process will be initiated and compiled by the Deacons and presented to the Pastor. The Pastor shall give feedback to the Deacons and the Deacons shall provide a summary to the church membership.
The Pastor’s compensation package shall be recommended by the Deacons and included as part of the budget process, and the recommendation shall be voted on by the church.
Whenever a vacancy occurs, a pastor shall be called by the church to serve until the relationship is dissolved at the request of either the pastor or the church. In either case, at least sixty (60) days’ notice shall be given of termination of the relationship, unless otherwise mutually agreed, with both pastor and the church seeking to follow the will of God and the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
The vote of the Pastor shall take place at a meeting especially called for that purpose of which at least two (2) weeks’ notice has been given the membership. The election shall be upon recommendation of a special committee appointed to seek out and nominate as a Pastor or minister of the Gospel whose Christian character and qualifications fit him for the office of the Pastor for this church. The committee shall bring only one name at a time for consideration of the church, and no nomination shall be made except for that of the committee.
Election shall be by ballot with an affirmative vote of three-fourths of active voting members. Should the recommendation of the committee fail to receive the three-fourths vote, the committee shall be instructed to seek out another minister, and the meeting shall be adjourned without further discussion.
2. Deacons
There shall be no less than four (4), and no more than ten (10) Deacons. Within this range, the Deacons shall be elected from among those active members who have been members for at least one year and have proven themselves to have spiritual qualifications based upon the scriptures (1 Timothy 3:8-13). Each year, two (2) Deacons shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. No deacon shall be eligible for reelection until after the lapse of one year from time served. If a Deacon is not able to complete all or part of the elected two (2) year term, the Deacons will recommend a replacement, who also will be eligible for reelection at the next Deacon election.
The method of election of deacons shall be as follows:
Nominations shall be received by ballot at the regular business meeting of the summer quarter. The five (5) persons receiving the greatest number of nominations will be placed on a ballot. At the next regular business meeting in October or a special called meeting, two (2) Deacons will be elected from the five (5) nominated. The Deacons shall elect annually their own chairman.
Deacons shall, at all times, consider themselves as servants of the church. With the Pastor, and as the Holy Spirit directs, they are to consider and make recommendations to the church in all matters pertaining to its work and progress; including oversight of the discipline of the church; establishing and maintaining spiritual fraternal relations with all members of the church; assisting the Pastor in the observance of the ordinances; arranging for annual audit of the church finances, and having general oversight of all church committees. They shall arrange for regular meetings and such committees as are necessary to the discharge of their duties. The Pastor or chairman of Deacons may call the Deacons into special session whenever need for such arises.
The Deacons shall, as provided by law and the action of the church, represent the church in all matters of legal responsibility regarding the purchase, improvement and disposal of church property. Their duties to hold in trust documents of the church shall include all existing documents and any future documents that the church may instruct to be made.
The Deacons, acting as a Board of Deacons, shall have and exercise all of the powers and responsibilities of a “board of directors” of a North Carolina nonprofit corporation (a defined in the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act (as amended from time to time). They, or officers authorized by the Deacons or these Bylaws, shall execute all legal papers relating to the church and to the community as the church may direct. They shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or transfer any property of the church without a specific vote of the church authorizing such action; neither shall they have any control over the use of the church property except by vote of the church.
3. Clerk
The clerk shall be elected annually. It shall be the duty of the clerk to attend, or be represented at all church business meetings, to keep an accurate record of all business transactions, to prepare the annual associational letter, and to notify all officers, members of committees, and messengers of their election or appointment. The Clerk shall issue letters of transfer as authorized by the church and preserve all papers and valuable letters and records that belong to the church preserving a true history of the church.
It shall be also the duty of the clerk to see that an accurate roll of the church membership is kept with dates and methods of admission and transfer, change in name, correct mailing addresses and other pertinent information.
4. Treasurer
The treasurer shall be elected annually. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive, keep in a bank, and disburse upon proper authority, all money or things of value that are given to the church, and keep at all times an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements; rendering regular account balances to the church to be preserved by the church clerk.
The treasurer’s books shall be audited as arranged by the church, and all books, records, and accounts kept by the treasurer shall be considered the property of the church. The treasurer shall meet with the Deacons as requested and shall confer with the Finance Committee in preparing the budget.
Article VI: Committees
Section 1: Church Committees
The church shall elect such standing committees as may be deemed necessary to carry on the various activities of the church programs efficiently and effectively. In any event, the church shall at all times have the following standing committees: Nominating, Budget and Finance, Building and Grounds, and Membership.
Section 2: Election of Committees
The Nominating Committee shall nominate to the church in the third quarter of each year persons to serve for the succeeding year on the standing committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee. The church will then elect the personnel of the committees. No committee shall have two or more members of the same household serving on the same committee. In the event that a standing committee would include two or more members of the same household, the Deacons shall appoint a member at large.
The members of the Nominating Committee shall be the Chairman of Deacons, the Sunday School Director, and the Director of the Woman’s Missionary Union. In addition, the active Deacons will appoint three members at large to serve a one-year term.
Section 3: Duties of Committees
1. Nominating Committee
Throughout the year, this committee shall have the responsibility of nominating to the church persons to serve in the various capacities and positions of the church and its organizations, and on standing and special committees, vacated from time to time by removal, death, expiration of term of office, or failure to function.
2. Budget and Finance Committee
This committee shall be composed of the currently elected Deacons of the church. It shall be the duty of this committee to make regular reports to the church on the financial standing and needs of the church. This committee shall prepare annually a proposed budget, including local expenses, education, missions, and benevolence, and shall submit the same to the church at the third quarterly business meeting. In preparing the budget, the committee shall confer with the treasurer and the chair of each committee of the church.
Any member of this this committee (any currently elected deacon) is authorized to spend sums up to two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) without the necessity of action by the congregation. These items will be shown on the regular quarterly statement of the church finances.
3. Building and Grounds Committee
This committee shall have five (5) members and shall consist of both men and women. It shall be the duty of this committee to give attention to and study the condition, state of repair and appearance of the building and grounds; including the parsonage property, making such repairs and improvements as authorized by the church.
4. Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of the following four (4) members: the church clerk, one member of the Deacon board, one member of the Woman’s Missionary Union, and the Pastor. This committee shall assist the clerk with the membership rolls of the church and the duties as described in Article V hereof.
5. Other Committees
Any other committee shall be elected as desired by the church and shall serve for the purpose designated upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee unless the church directs their appointment in a different manner.
Article VII: Other Business Matters
Section 1: Ordination
In the event this church has been requested to ordain a member who has been called as pastor of a Baptist church the following procedures shall be followed:
The church will express its approval by a vote of three-fourths of the members present at any regularly arranged business meeting of the church. Then the church shall invite the Associational Council on Ordinations to examine the candidate concerning his fitness for the ministry. In the event the association has no such council, this church shall invite representatives of neighboring churches to examine the candidate and report to the church. In the event of a favorable committee report, the church shall proceed with the ordination.
Section 2: Affiliations with Associations and Conventions
We recognize that there is mutual helpfulness in the association of churches who are in such agreement in faith and practice as to encourage the spirit of fellowship and good will. We also recognize that there have been devised through the voluntary cooperation of churches of like faith and order, organizations whose purpose it is to implement the missionary, educational and benevolent interests and obligations of the individual Christian and their church family.
Believing that the Tar River Baptist Association, the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and the Southern Baptist Convention are organizations which have as their sole purpose the promotion and support of missions, education and benevolence of the character and in keeping with the spirit of the Articles of Faith and the Bylaws of this church, we therefore agree to participate in these organizations through our duly elected messengers and our support of the causes which these organizations represent.
Section 3: Property and Assets Holding
This church may withdraw from affiliation with any association in order to join another Baptist association of like faith and order by a majority of the members present at any regularly scheduled business meeting of the church.
This church may withdraw from affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention by a vote of two-thirds of the resident church membership, provided that, no such vote shall be legal unless the proposed action shall have been read from the pulpit at a regular worship service two (2) weeks prior to the taking of such a vote by the congregation; provided also, that a written statement of this proposed action must be submitted to the church clerk; provided also, in the event such vote is less than unanimous, the property of the church shall remain vested in the group in the church desiring to retain its affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention; provided further, that in all matters relating to its internal affairs the church remains and shall be autonomous body.
Section 4: Political Guidance
No part of the activities of the church shall be the carrying of propaganda or attempting to influence legislation. The church shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition of, any candidate for office. The church shall not carry on any other activities not permitted by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as amended).
Section 5: Asset Provision and Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the Church, the board of Deacons, shall after paying, or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the Church, dispose of all the assets of the church exclusively for the purposes of the church in such manner, or to such organization or organizations and operated exclusively for religious, or charitable purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Superior Court of the county in which the principle office of the Church is located, exclusively for such purposes, or to such organization, such as the Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Article VIII: Adoption and Amendments
Section 1: Adoption
These Bylaws shall be considered adopted and in immediate effect, if and when two-thirds of the active members present at the business meeting at which the vote is taken, shall vote in favor of same. This vote shall be taken not less than thirty (30) days after formal presentation of the Bylaws to the church. The adoption of Bylaws shall repeal all previously adopted by-laws and constitution, including amendments.
Section 2: Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended, altered or repealed provided that such amendment, alteration or repeal must be given to the clerk in writing. This proposed change shall be presented by the clerk to the Bylaws committee for consideration. The Bylaws committee will then make a recommendation to the church for consideration for at least 30 days, after which time a vote may be taken and must be approved by two-thirds of the active members present to take effect.
Article I: Name
This body shall be known as Salem Community Baptist Church, Inc. of 4502 Swift Creek School Road, Nash County, North Carolina 27891. The Articles of Incorporation of Salem Community Baptist Church, Inc. were filed with the NC Department of the Secretary of State on the 25th day of January 2008 (as may be amended from time to time, the “Articles of Incorporation”).
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of this body shall be as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation. In furtherance of the foregoing, this body shall be to provide regular opportunities for public worship, to sustain the ordinances, doctrines and ethics set forth in the New Testament for the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ; to nurture its members through a program of Christian education; to channel its offerings to the support of the objects of the Redeemer’s Kingdom, and to preach and propagate among all people the gospel of the Revelation of God through Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Article III: Membership
All changes in the church roll, whether additions or removals, will be executed at a regular business meeting and will be recorded as part of the church minutes. Deceased members will be remembered with silent meditation and their death date shall be recorded in the minutes.
Section 1: Qualifications
- This Article gives four events that must take place before any candidate can become a member of Salem Community Baptist Church. This article does not state nor imply any order that these events are to take place. The candidate must:
- Receive the recommendation of the Pastor after consultation.
- Be baptized.
- Subscribe to the Articles of Faith and these Bylaws.
- Be received by a majority vote of the church during a regularly scheduled business meeting.
- Additionally, In the event that the candidate is a member of another Baptist church of like faith and order, the church will request a letter of recommendation from that congregation.
Section 2: Membership Transfer
- Letters of Transfer may be granted to any church of like faith and order for members in good standing. When letters are granted, membership in this church shall terminate. Personal written requests made by members to terminate their own membership shall be exempted from such consideration.
All requests for termination of membership or action looking thereto shall be stated so that it can be recorded in the minutes during a regularly scheduled business meeting.
Section 3: Inactive Members
Members of Salem Community Baptist Church are considered inactive if they have not participated in the mission and ministry of the church in the past six months. Inactive members have not been disciplined by the church and remain in fellowship; however, inactive members are not afforded a vote in any church matters.
The process for declaring a member to be inactive is as follows:
- After a careful review of the membership roll, members who have not been regularly participating in the mission and ministry of Salem Community Baptist Church for three months will be contacted by a Deacon or the Pastor.
- If a satisfactory reason for the absence is given, the member shall maintain active status, but shall be reviewed again in three months.
- If a satisfactory reason for the absence is not given, reasonable efforts shall be made to restore the member to active participation. If the member has not returned to active participation by the end of six months, their membership shall become inactive.
- If an inactive member wishes to change the status of their membership to active, they must contact a Deacon or the Pastor. After active participation in the mission and ministry of the church for three months, the Deacons shall change their membership status to active.
Article IV: Meetings
Section 1: Worship
- Public services shall be held on the Lord’s Day and on some regular evenings of the week.
- The Lord’s Supper shall be celebrated quarterly or at such time(s) as the Deacons and Pastor may determine.
- Occasional religious meetings may be appointed by the pastor at his discretion, or by vote of the church.
Section 2: Business
- The annual church year shall be January 1 through December 31, and all records, clerk duties, church calendar, etc., shall be submitted accordingly.
- The Pastor or Chairman of Deacons may and shall, when requested by the Deacons or standing committee, call from the pulpit special business meetings, the particular subject of the meeting being stated in the notice.
- Quarterly business meetings shall be held the second (2nd) Wednesday night of each quarter, or at the discretion of the Deacons.
- Those present at any quarterly business meeting shall constitute a quorum.
- A member must be 16 years of age before being eligible to vote on any church business.
- Signed absentee ballots may be accepted by any active Deacon from eligible voting members not able to be present during a scheduled business meeting.
- The moderator of business meetings shall be the Chairman of Deacons. In the absence of the chairman, any active Deacon may preside.
Article V -- Church Officers; Deacons
Section I: Officers
The officers of this church shall be: a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Clerk (aka a Secretary), a Treasurer, and such other offices, officers, and agents created or appointed by the Deacons from time to time. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Deacons are hereby authorized to create the following offices and appoint individuals to serve therein: Sunday School Director, WMU Director, Music Director. All officers of the church and its organizations, unless otherwise specified by the Deacons, shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee.
Section 2: Election, Duties and Pastor Compensation
1. Pastor
The pastor has in his charge the welfare and oversight of the church; of all organizations, departments and committees; he may call a special meeting of the Deacons or any committee according to the procedures which may be set forth in the Bylaws; he shall conduct religious services on stated and special occasions, administer the ordinances, minister to members of the church and community, and perform other duties that usually pertain to that office; he shall have special charge of the pulpit ministry of the church and shall, in cooperation with the Deacons, provide for pulpit supply when he is absent and arrange for workers to assist in revival meetings and other special services.
An evaluation of the Pastor shall be conducted by the church membership after the first six (6) months and thereafter every year during the third quarter of the church year. The evaluation process will be initiated and compiled by the Deacons and presented to the Pastor. The Pastor shall give feedback to the Deacons and the Deacons shall provide a summary to the church membership.
The Pastor’s compensation package shall be recommended by the Deacons and included as part of the budget process, and the recommendation shall be voted on by the church.
Whenever a vacancy occurs, a pastor shall be called by the church to serve until the relationship is dissolved at the request of either the pastor or the church. In either case, at least sixty (60) days’ notice shall be given of termination of the relationship, unless otherwise mutually agreed, with both pastor and the church seeking to follow the will of God and the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
The vote of the Pastor shall take place at a meeting especially called for that purpose of which at least two (2) weeks’ notice has been given the membership. The election shall be upon recommendation of a special committee appointed to seek out and nominate as a Pastor or minister of the Gospel whose Christian character and qualifications fit him for the office of the Pastor for this church. The committee shall bring only one name at a time for consideration of the church, and no nomination shall be made except for that of the committee.
Election shall be by ballot with an affirmative vote of three-fourths of active voting members. Should the recommendation of the committee fail to receive the three-fourths vote, the committee shall be instructed to seek out another minister, and the meeting shall be adjourned without further discussion.
2. Deacons
There shall be no less than four (4), and no more than ten (10) Deacons. Within this range, the Deacons shall be elected from among those active members who have been members for at least one year and have proven themselves to have spiritual qualifications based upon the scriptures (1 Timothy 3:8-13). Each year, two (2) Deacons shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. No deacon shall be eligible for reelection until after the lapse of one year from time served. If a Deacon is not able to complete all or part of the elected two (2) year term, the Deacons will recommend a replacement, who also will be eligible for reelection at the next Deacon election.
The method of election of deacons shall be as follows:
Nominations shall be received by ballot at the regular business meeting of the summer quarter. The five (5) persons receiving the greatest number of nominations will be placed on a ballot. At the next regular business meeting in October or a special called meeting, two (2) Deacons will be elected from the five (5) nominated. The Deacons shall elect annually their own chairman.
Deacons shall, at all times, consider themselves as servants of the church. With the Pastor, and as the Holy Spirit directs, they are to consider and make recommendations to the church in all matters pertaining to its work and progress; including oversight of the discipline of the church; establishing and maintaining spiritual fraternal relations with all members of the church; assisting the Pastor in the observance of the ordinances; arranging for annual audit of the church finances, and having general oversight of all church committees. They shall arrange for regular meetings and such committees as are necessary to the discharge of their duties. The Pastor or chairman of Deacons may call the Deacons into special session whenever need for such arises.
The Deacons shall, as provided by law and the action of the church, represent the church in all matters of legal responsibility regarding the purchase, improvement and disposal of church property. Their duties to hold in trust documents of the church shall include all existing documents and any future documents that the church may instruct to be made.
The Deacons, acting as a Board of Deacons, shall have and exercise all of the powers and responsibilities of a “board of directors” of a North Carolina nonprofit corporation (a defined in the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act (as amended from time to time). They, or officers authorized by the Deacons or these Bylaws, shall execute all legal papers relating to the church and to the community as the church may direct. They shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or transfer any property of the church without a specific vote of the church authorizing such action; neither shall they have any control over the use of the church property except by vote of the church.
3. Clerk
The clerk shall be elected annually. It shall be the duty of the clerk to attend, or be represented at all church business meetings, to keep an accurate record of all business transactions, to prepare the annual associational letter, and to notify all officers, members of committees, and messengers of their election or appointment. The Clerk shall issue letters of transfer as authorized by the church and preserve all papers and valuable letters and records that belong to the church preserving a true history of the church.
It shall be also the duty of the clerk to see that an accurate roll of the church membership is kept with dates and methods of admission and transfer, change in name, correct mailing addresses and other pertinent information.
4. Treasurer
The treasurer shall be elected annually. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive, keep in a bank, and disburse upon proper authority, all money or things of value that are given to the church, and keep at all times an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements; rendering regular account balances to the church to be preserved by the church clerk.
The treasurer’s books shall be audited as arranged by the church, and all books, records, and accounts kept by the treasurer shall be considered the property of the church. The treasurer shall meet with the Deacons as requested and shall confer with the Finance Committee in preparing the budget.
Article VI: Committees
Section 1: Church Committees
The church shall elect such standing committees as may be deemed necessary to carry on the various activities of the church programs efficiently and effectively. In any event, the church shall at all times have the following standing committees: Nominating, Budget and Finance, Building and Grounds, and Membership.
Section 2: Election of Committees
The Nominating Committee shall nominate to the church in the third quarter of each year persons to serve for the succeeding year on the standing committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee. The church will then elect the personnel of the committees. No committee shall have two or more members of the same household serving on the same committee. In the event that a standing committee would include two or more members of the same household, the Deacons shall appoint a member at large.
The members of the Nominating Committee shall be the Chairman of Deacons, the Sunday School Director, and the Director of the Woman’s Missionary Union. In addition, the active Deacons will appoint three members at large to serve a one-year term.
Section 3: Duties of Committees
1. Nominating Committee
Throughout the year, this committee shall have the responsibility of nominating to the church persons to serve in the various capacities and positions of the church and its organizations, and on standing and special committees, vacated from time to time by removal, death, expiration of term of office, or failure to function.
2. Budget and Finance Committee
This committee shall be composed of the currently elected Deacons of the church. It shall be the duty of this committee to make regular reports to the church on the financial standing and needs of the church. This committee shall prepare annually a proposed budget, including local expenses, education, missions, and benevolence, and shall submit the same to the church at the third quarterly business meeting. In preparing the budget, the committee shall confer with the treasurer and the chair of each committee of the church.
Any member of this this committee (any currently elected deacon) is authorized to spend sums up to two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) without the necessity of action by the congregation. These items will be shown on the regular quarterly statement of the church finances.
3. Building and Grounds Committee
This committee shall have five (5) members and shall consist of both men and women. It shall be the duty of this committee to give attention to and study the condition, state of repair and appearance of the building and grounds; including the parsonage property, making such repairs and improvements as authorized by the church.
4. Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of the following four (4) members: the church clerk, one member of the Deacon board, one member of the Woman’s Missionary Union, and the Pastor. This committee shall assist the clerk with the membership rolls of the church and the duties as described in Article V hereof.
5. Other Committees
Any other committee shall be elected as desired by the church and shall serve for the purpose designated upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee unless the church directs their appointment in a different manner.
Article VII: Other Business Matters
Section 1: Ordination
In the event this church has been requested to ordain a member who has been called as pastor of a Baptist church the following procedures shall be followed:
The church will express its approval by a vote of three-fourths of the members present at any regularly arranged business meeting of the church. Then the church shall invite the Associational Council on Ordinations to examine the candidate concerning his fitness for the ministry. In the event the association has no such council, this church shall invite representatives of neighboring churches to examine the candidate and report to the church. In the event of a favorable committee report, the church shall proceed with the ordination.
Section 2: Affiliations with Associations and Conventions
We recognize that there is mutual helpfulness in the association of churches who are in such agreement in faith and practice as to encourage the spirit of fellowship and good will. We also recognize that there have been devised through the voluntary cooperation of churches of like faith and order, organizations whose purpose it is to implement the missionary, educational and benevolent interests and obligations of the individual Christian and their church family.
Believing that the Tar River Baptist Association, the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and the Southern Baptist Convention are organizations which have as their sole purpose the promotion and support of missions, education and benevolence of the character and in keeping with the spirit of the Articles of Faith and the Bylaws of this church, we therefore agree to participate in these organizations through our duly elected messengers and our support of the causes which these organizations represent.
Section 3: Property and Assets Holding
This church may withdraw from affiliation with any association in order to join another Baptist association of like faith and order by a majority of the members present at any regularly scheduled business meeting of the church.
This church may withdraw from affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention by a vote of two-thirds of the resident church membership, provided that, no such vote shall be legal unless the proposed action shall have been read from the pulpit at a regular worship service two (2) weeks prior to the taking of such a vote by the congregation; provided also, that a written statement of this proposed action must be submitted to the church clerk; provided also, in the event such vote is less than unanimous, the property of the church shall remain vested in the group in the church desiring to retain its affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention; provided further, that in all matters relating to its internal affairs the church remains and shall be autonomous body.
Section 4: Political Guidance
No part of the activities of the church shall be the carrying of propaganda or attempting to influence legislation. The church shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition of, any candidate for office. The church shall not carry on any other activities not permitted by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as amended).
Section 5: Asset Provision and Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the Church, the board of Deacons, shall after paying, or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the Church, dispose of all the assets of the church exclusively for the purposes of the church in such manner, or to such organization or organizations and operated exclusively for religious, or charitable purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Superior Court of the county in which the principle office of the Church is located, exclusively for such purposes, or to such organization, such as the Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Article VIII: Adoption and Amendments
Section 1: Adoption
These Bylaws shall be considered adopted and in immediate effect, if and when two-thirds of the active members present at the business meeting at which the vote is taken, shall vote in favor of same. This vote shall be taken not less than thirty (30) days after formal presentation of the Bylaws to the church. The adoption of Bylaws shall repeal all previously adopted by-laws and constitution, including amendments.
Section 2: Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended, altered or repealed provided that such amendment, alteration or repeal must be given to the clerk in writing. This proposed change shall be presented by the clerk to the Bylaws committee for consideration. The Bylaws committee will then make a recommendation to the church for consideration for at least 30 days, after which time a vote may be taken and must be approved by two-thirds of the active members present to take effect.